
Letter Formation Practice Sheets

Letter formation practice sheets are organised into four main letter formation families: long letters, curly letters, “bouncing ball” letters and “zig zag” letters. Children follow the directions, starting and ending points to get a sense of how letters should be written, and then practise tracing on their own.


Learning Skills



These letter formation practice sheets are an excellent place to start when practising handwriting and a great way to improve children’s handwriting skills. They are appropriate for KS1 students and make learning letter formation clear and simple. Letters are organised into four main groups or families of letters. The practice begins with the easiest group, long letters, and progresses to the next easiest group, curly letters, followed by “bouncing ball” letters and “zig zag” letters at the end.
The first two rows of each worksheet give children a clear idea of how to write letters and support them by including a starting and ending point as well as a direction. Without any prompts, three additional rows provide extra tracing and practice opportunities.

We recommend:

  • Handwriting Practice Sheets KS1 are great for further practice. Worksheets include lines for tracing letters as well as lines for independent letter writing.
  • Write & Wipe Flashcard Kit for more letter formation practice. It includes step-by-step guided writing for lowercase and uppercase letters, which helps children to get used to writing the strokes in the correct order and become more confident over time.
  • Blog Post: 5 Ways to Improve Your Child’s Handwriting (5 to 7 years | KS1).
  • Blog Post: How to Teach a Child to Write: 7 Fun and Easy Ways!
  • National Handwriting Association‘s website for more information on how to help your child with handwriting.